Thursday, August 28, 2008

The blessing of a curse

I navigate through this endless maze of madness, in search of the end, in search of the resolution, in search of closure. I long for the answer to the big question but must answer all these small questions along the way ... I stare in envy and somewhat jealousy of those who have comfortably set up tent with no plans to move anytime soon ..... For they live completely unaware of the fact that they exist in a huge maze .... An unanswered question ... An unending puzzle ..... Ignorance is bliss

I have been blessed with this curse .... To stroll this maze as an outcast ... A man with no tent to call home ... In fighting my inner demons i struggle to console myself, hoping that one day the discovery of the answer will bring me peace, .. will bring me justification, will bring me hope .... So i could finally explain the cause of my actions, so i can finally be accepted in at least one circle of thought ... As i breeze past the settlements, i pretend to be normal .. try to act like everyone else ... but am not .. am just a wanderer on a quest, and they should be to .... Ignorance is bliss

I cant help but wonder if there is only one way out .... the only way in which others "blessed" by the gods have found redemption ... I ponder about that day like a girl about her wedding ..... my redemption, my salvation, my demise, my answer. Yet at the same time i fear the answer like a well know plague ..... I fear it cause i am sure it would devour me alive .... For something somewhere tells me ..... THE ANSWER WILL BE MORE DRASTIC THAN THE QUESTION ...

Friday, August 22, 2008

kill the messenger

"Kill the messenger for the thoughts of man are not sophisticated enough to handle this kind of complicated reality. Let us go to our churches and mosques and synagogues and temples and pray this one out. We don't have to take any action "God" will handle it for us" .... says the rabbi, pastor, imam and high priest

"Kill the messenger for i am truthful enough to admit my fear of the truth. Let us hold hands, unite and work together to continue to live the lie that has served us so well to date, for in "unity" we will progress even if it is further into lies" ..... says the politician

"Kill the messenger because with his death I will be able to get two extra seconds of peace, in denial of the message of truth he brings. Please allow me to squabble in my sorry state of ignorance for just a little while longer. Let me live oblivious of the true facts even though it is obvious that the situation will soon boil over as truth has almost always overcome lies and ignorance"..... says the average human being.

"To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?” .. counseled Socrates

Now repeat Socrates words but replace death with truth or reality .....
Until man can overcome his fear of the unknown we will continue to exist only in the know which is a system of lies and deceit. For how long will we continue to kill and silence the messengers of truth in order to evade reality........ Asks Owi :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

From the tomb of an insane mad man

From the perspectives of conventional thought, man is held to certain standards, certain expectations, certain requirements and obligations .... We are all the unfortunate victims of this brutal system of mass indoctrination. Walking zombies doing what we are told and believing what we are taught. There is no space for flexibility and time for real questions ..... Everybody is too busy sticking to the script to even take a second to look at it all ......

The fallacy of "experts" and "pundits", of "professionals" and "adept individuals" is one thing and one thing alone: They all think they know. The key operative word in the prior sentence is think, as history has vividly proven that what man often thought it was has usually been very far from what it actually is today. The great Socrates is often quoted as counseling his followers thusly : "one thing alone do i know and that is that i know nothing" ............ I guess man has come a long way from that kind of beautiful wisdom to where we are today :) ........ Can we please have a moment of silence.

The schemings of a "professional" schemer can never out scheme the schemes of a professional thinker, as the professional thinker will be wise enough to know that the state of professionalism can never be achieved, thus eliminating the element of comfort and relaxation that comes with the false territory. The professional thinker remains hungry and ready to learn as he has already thought through the concept of professionalism and knows it can actually only be achieved in the false system that celebrates nobodies and glorifies nothings.

Monday, August 18, 2008

my struggle, my reality, my tragedy

I strive to to see, strive to know, Strive to hope, strive to acknowledge. I hustle to emancipate myself from the white noise that very often clouds my sense of rationality and balanced thought ........ This is my struggle, this is my reality. Unfortunately, my reality is coincidentally my tragedy. Trust me when i say ignorance is bliss.......

My never ending struggle is like a double edged sword. All of a sudden i begin to see right through every situation...... i begin to approach issues from a very different perspective. Unfortunately most of the world never sees things like i see ...... this could be my tragedy....

People say that Friedrich Nietzsche died an insane man ... i say he died the most sane man .... He finally made peace with his struggle, his reality, and his tragedy. He finally came to terms with, and achieved the ultimate level of sanity, and must have laughed in mockery of the insane world that called him crazy......... I mean think about it who is actually crazy you or him ?? ... Most people actually believed it was him and that was his tragedy.

As i blaze on this harsh spliff called brutal reality, i further understand that not many will comprehend what i am trying to put across. the closer i draw towards the ultimate level of sanity, the more "insane" i will look. this is the irony of life. but as i stare at these social cyanide capsules, i wonder why i choose to gobble them down sooooooo quick. A million whys but less than one because. I walk down this path for an unexplainable reason. this is my tragedy