Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am

I am the product of the reasoning of an unreasonable elite ... I am the daughterless son of a sonless daughter; yes i was disowned by my father, brothers, and even my mother. I exist in a complicated state of illusion and reality as the reality of many is but the illusion of the illusionist and the illusion of most has often been nothing but the truth ...

But what is truth in the first place ? can truth be measured by the inner convictions of what a person considers to be a moral consciousness ? Or is truth a universal fact that cannot be changed by the thoughts or perceptions of a person. If the former holds to be true, then i am almost always a lie ... An antagonistic pest seeking to destroy the resolve of a "moral" protagonist. However, if the latter definition is proven as right, then i might be able to "justify my thug". I am the reaction to an action, the consequence of a choice ... I am the climax of a build up, the result of a violated treaty ... For the choice of the parties to violate the pact, was my incentive to move in, to spread, and also to act.

I am the constant reminder of the failings within society, an embodiment of nemesis and karma all in one. I have been to the mountain top and I swear if they do not act now, united under the cause, they will all be exterminated as single individuals. I am the manifestation of hate, injustice and destruction, and my existence has made love, justice and construction even more attractive ... I am the doing of people but can easily be their undoing ... I am what I am ... I am the tragedy of a man.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rabbler: The redemption of the rainman

He will live his death labeled the lone voice of life ... the lukewarm lives of lackluster lip syncers have enthroned the lapses of some lying lame ducks. The once laughable struggle of an ugly little laborer has laddered to the limelight with no plans to leave. Laying in their lack, it was their lust that prompted greed, now he lives in vindication far across the largest sea.

Raised in a rare realm of Rastafarian rebellion, He was forced to relinquish his roots from this reputable redemption. Obviously those roving rats classified as repulsive, what thy believed to be a radical message from a reclusive elite. They ridiculously assumed the writings on the wall to be random, while a rear rose from the renaissance rallied the right while righting their wrongs. He stood quiet while he was writing at dawn revealing race, reputation, and relevance have become the parameters to determine right from the wrong.

He relaxes on a rock with a relatively rough surface, reflecting on the paradox of a nation reluctantly trying to remember the future. Reaffirming his resistance to any romantic rendezvous, "they are astonishingly shallow" he romantically concludes; thinking of the countless times that romance has been misused; He laughs very much on his own at that giant raft made out of stone.