Friday, October 24, 2008

An unkindness of ravens ...

I smiled as the single one approached because many say sighting a loner away from the unkindness will bring a person luck. But I have never been much of the lucky type and that was why it was no surprise when less than 30 seconds latter the entire unkindness was upon me. Sighting an entire unkindness as opposed to the loner is supposed to be a sign of turbulence and uncertainty in the future. Discovering that the loner was not a loner after all was not even a shock to me in the least. I just remained there unmoved and unshaken as i watched the supposed plague shower down its curses on me ......

I stood there smiling until i had to consciously remind myself that the initial reason i was smiling had been discredited by subsequent events .... A painful reminder of the fact that my emotions dumped me in a foster home a long time ago and left me to the mercy of my thoughts. Reason and rationality therefore became the center piece my basic code of conduct which initially appeared to be good and emancipating. My lone flyer very quickly turned out to be an entire unkindness as too much reason and too much thought gave birth to my tragedy ..... Let us pray

Dear God, gods, and goddesses of planet earth, i understand your need to have the last laugh. A situation which has probably led you to redefine the phrase "practical joke" and blow it a little out of human proportion. However, as you continue to come up with more innovative ways to get your laugh and daily dose of comic relief, please dont forget to remember one thing: A raven whether in kind or unkindness is always individually in kind and technically in unkindness(using the all for one and one for all theory)


Anonymous said...

Maybe you finally get it. You're such a bad writer I can't tell. Where are all your girlfriends this episode?


Owi said...

The million dollar question is: How do you reason with an unreasonable person ??

The million dollar answer is: You don't ...

cheers :)

Anonymous said...

Ok that probably came from deep within your soul as i dont think i felt the message this hard since "the blessing of a curse" .. I am particularly intrigued by your choice and mixture of words which took me 4 reads and some help from Google to completely understand .. That being said, this is one of the few pieces that i will probably have to completely differ with you on. I refuse to believe that everybody's lone flier will always ultimately become an entire unkindness. I also dont believe that reason and thought developing into the tragedy that you have written so much about can qualify as a lone flier becoming an entire unkindness. I actually feel it is the other way around. Let me state once again that i love the way you express yourself and am one of the most loyal followers of your blog . welcome back from your hiatus.

Owi said...

Thanks for your comment .. I believe i stated at the end that the chances of a persons lone flier becoming an entire unkindness are the same as a persons unkindness ultimately being a lone flier. With regards to reason and thought giving birth to my tragedy, i guess that is a real subject is debate within myself. Thanks alot for not just reading but understanding my blog .. I really appreciate it .. cheers

ees said...

Have you read any Neil Gaiman? I feel as though he would really agree with you . . . especially the Sandman series, American Gods, and Anansi Boys.

The consequences of any thing in this world are unknowable; there is too much we can never see. A kind action may lead to horrible things, or an auspicious sign may seem ironic when, down the road, it appears again in a time of misfortune. We can only try to make sense of what we see, and - far from relying upon our experience to bear us out - rely upon uncertainty to make us change, flex, adapt.

Anonymous said...

Sweet blog, I had not noticed earlier in my searches!
Keep up the superb work!