Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rabbler: The redemption of the rainman

He will live his death labeled the lone voice of life ... the lukewarm lives of lackluster lip syncers have enthroned the lapses of some lying lame ducks. The once laughable struggle of an ugly little laborer has laddered to the limelight with no plans to leave. Laying in their lack, it was their lust that prompted greed, now he lives in vindication far across the largest sea.

Raised in a rare realm of Rastafarian rebellion, He was forced to relinquish his roots from this reputable redemption. Obviously those roving rats classified as repulsive, what thy believed to be a radical message from a reclusive elite. They ridiculously assumed the writings on the wall to be random, while a rear rose from the renaissance rallied the right while righting their wrongs. He stood quiet while he was writing at dawn revealing race, reputation, and relevance have become the parameters to determine right from the wrong.

He relaxes on a rock with a relatively rough surface, reflecting on the paradox of a nation reluctantly trying to remember the future. Reaffirming his resistance to any romantic rendezvous, "they are astonishingly shallow" he romantically concludes; thinking of the countless times that romance has been misused; He laughs very much on his own at that giant raft made out of stone.


LA sisters said...

Oh my God Owi where have you been ?. I thought you were done with this blog until i got a mail saying u put something new. That was a beautiful piece. It took like 3 reads to get past all the alteration but i think i get a hang of what u saying. Good to have you back :)

Grace said...

"He relaxes on a rock with a relatively rough surface, reflecting on the paradox of a nation reluctantly trying to remember the future" . That was just beautiful Owi. Good to have you back. Its been much to long

Matt said...

That was pretty good dude. Really good.

INDER said...

that was fucking awesome mate. Seriously freaking good. I wonder how do you come up with all those words, your ridiculously talented in that. Anyway its good to hear frm you, keep up the good work Owi

ronjit said...

impressive use of alliteration. I wonder how you managed to stay on point while keeping up with that style of writing. Good job

Anonymous said...

Owi I have followed your blog for 2 years now and you have never failed in any post...cheers mate!

Anonymous said...

excellent points and the details are more specific than elsewhere, thanks.

- Joe