Monday, September 13, 2010

DEAR SPRING: dedicated to a random potato pants

My dear Spring,

Its been less than half a season since we last saw, but i must say that it feels a little longer than eternity. Pardon my hyperbole and my exaggerated depictions. Pardon my cheezy one liners and my less than romantic tendencies. I trust that this letter finds you in the best of health, and I can picture your mild but still imposing smile, like the splendid and yet still very imposing Nile.

Summer is almost passed and fall will soon be upon us. I just pray that it passes fast so that earth can reunite us. I miss your perfect temperature, those 60 degree days, you are the embodiment of moderation in any and every way. I wish i didn't have to be reminded of the existence of extremes, with the dark winter -20s and the summer 115s. I wish i didn't have to be reminded that the extreme will almost always attack the mean. That's why you are only two out of the twelve months of the year, that's why we are the only two that actually seem to care.

Being with you appears to be the only thing that can get the clock moving. All of a sudden a day starts to feel shorter than a minute. Then you are gone in less than an hour and all I am thinking is that I miss it ... But now the clock is no more ticking because you are no more here, and I will have to wait another long and painful whole other year ...

I will see you again after a painfully long wait, A wait that we never know if we will be able to take ... I want you to cry me a river while i bottoms up a crate, and let us leave the rest of our destinies entirely to fate ...
In the mean time all we have are the memories of each other, and we must fall back on the experience of the times we spent together ... Perhaps if it doesn't kill us it might actually make us tougher, who am i kidding please "kill me now - Your insane lover" :)


Grace said...

WOW !!! I am not sure if you are just talking about spring or actually talking about someone. Either way it is really beautiful and I love it. If a guy wrote this for me I will thank him in ways he cannot imagine :)

Crawler said...

Good one mate. I think i will lift this and give it me girl. Make her think I am cool, creative and sensitive :D. I AM GETTING LAYED TONIGHT BRUV

LA sisters said...

Kill me now . I love you Owi. Who would have guessed you could come up with something this romantic ? you have always been hardcore :) spring is one lucky season to have you

Fibz said...

Just so beautiful. I wish someone could write this for me :)

concerned citizen said...

wow wow wow homie ... are you going butter on me ? what is this ? I sure hope you just talking about spring man. You need to keep fighting the power my man

Jenny said...

You always manage to blow me away Owi. The isolated cynic might not be as soulless as he claims to be :)

bla bla said...

Can you imagine what will happen if i posted this in the forum. Your already high groupie base will probably quadruple. Love this piece Owi. Good job

No one fan said...

People like you always manage too have that side right. I love the way you still manage to make so much philosophical sense while writing a love piece. Talking about the moderation of spring and how it never lasts. Just beautiful Owi

Phil said...

This was good even though i prefer the hardcore cynical realist.

One bro

London poet said...

You a waste man if you start going "mainstream". You are going to isolate your hardcore and radical following. Good piece though but stay on topic in your next post

Sicko said...

Haha .. Owi what you saying fam. I feel the creativity but i cant reconcile both characters. Well maybe its because we go way back and i know you as the anti elitist anti establishment radical. The rich boy that always hung in ghetto circles and read philosophy and thought us dummies.
No long thing we all gotta take a brake once in a while init. Good looking fam


Kim said...

I love it Owi. I love it. I wish you were talking about a girl though :)

fred said...

splendid, just splendid. brings to mind the saying: "things you say you love, you'll lose". it either comes and goes or takes long in coming, if it comes at all. all you are stuck with are memories, some memorable, some sour. in the end, just memories....

Anonymous said...

awww you wrote this for your potato....sweeet :-D....

sTeF said...

Beautiful piece Owi. I love it and i love you

@Sicko: Yes Owi has always been the crazy radical philosopher who hung with people much to sketchy for the likes of us but every one knew he was different.
I would actually expect a piece like this a million times more from Owi than say a more "normal" person like you. You guys were boys but why do you think he always got all the girls ?
