As the world turns it becomes clearer to me that things will continue to get more blurry .... An individual`s ability to perceive things in the true sense will continue to decline until "the true sense" will no longer be definable. The world is dangerously descending to a confusing state of chaos and insanity. A situation which will swallow all those who work by sight and not by thought.
As Plato extensively described in his theory of forms, a perfect world exists only in the thoughts of people as that is the only criteria humans can use to measure the degree of perfectness in this very imperfect world .... Therefore, as the world is very clearly becoming more blurry, humans must begin to consult with their world of forms much more often to guide them and let them know the degree of accurateness in any situation ... This is a cause for serious concern as many human beings have completely forgotten how to consult with the Utopian state that exists in their minds. A situation which automatically leaves them at the mercy of the blurry world which is literally deteriorating into a completely void state ...
The need for human beings to return to the basic foundations of fundamental thought has never been more important ... The pillars of wisdom which still holds men like Plato , Socrates, Aristotle and the likes up high are not yet extinct(but are on the endangered species list). As the world turns its not going to get any more clearer, and we are not going to get any less dizzy . The only compass you can rely on for the right bearings are your thoughts ... Getting in touch with them at this time might be imperative to your continued existence as a rational being ...
1 comment:
thanks, i like yr stuff too.
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