Thursday, November 13, 2008

In a timeless space: Reflections of a suicidal veteran

A couple of seconds to the end and it was apparently clear: His demons had gained tactical advantage and he was never going to make it out of there alive. All alone in his room, disillusioned and defeated, he stares hard at that glock as he drifts into a brief mental paradise, a place of pure peace and a space of no time. With a slight grin and a whole lot of tears, he is quite shocked at how the history of glory and triumph that trails him never prepared him for what ultimately turned out to be the final battle.

With the scars from battles fought, certificates from universities gone and awards from tournaments won, he had gained the respect and admiration of all apart from one ... the one whose respect can only be earned through a careful process of solemn reflection and unilateral humility ... The one who could not care less about your physical achievements ... The one whom he conveniently choose to ignore ... Blinded by the false system which glorifies nothings, he ascended to a rarefied atmosphere of "perfection" and "greatness".

Staring hard at that glock he can finally see: the falsehood, the failure and the illusion of a life well lived. A sad case of misplaced priorities and displaced aspirations. "i was once great ... or at least they thought i was" ... his last thoughts as a loud bang gives the final victory to his demons.


Owi said...

lol .. Sorry i didnt realize they were actually written by you Mr anonymous.

Owi said...

Well thank God you are not me :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Owi you dont put up posts as frequent as before. Dont run out on us cause i love your stuff. I am always reading and rereading your posts cause they are just so deep. I love this one also, you have alot of talent. cheers and please keep them coming

Owi said...

thanks alot. I have been really busy with school and have not really had any time to put anything up ... will do that this weekend i guess ..

Owi said...

Lol .. Calm down David Duke .. Why are you so mad :)

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA .....hey owi thats one sign david duke is giving you that youre stuff is great

To you MR ANonymous..stop being so jealous..looks like either youre too Dumb to understand it...or really an awful person who cant express disagreement