Tuesday, November 16, 2010

between the page and the pen

If intent dictated efficiency, Tanzania will today be Utopia. The finest men are lost between the page and the pen, that microsecond kill zone has trashed the best of us: Cantor, Nietzsche, Garvey, Mao, they saw but could not draw. Having something to say with no way to say it is best likened to an imprisoned gypsy. First you see now you dont, well actually its they who dont. Cursed be the less dynamic mind. Revolutionary theories have always been synonymous with the abstract so we might as well be reading all the diaries of a destitute drunk. More often than not the theorist is destitute and drunk , we either redefine theory or reconsider "junk".

Between the pen and the page the greatest warriors have fallen. One tried to explain the possibility of multiple infinities while the other declared God was dead. These assertions apparently just came out wrong as this was not exactly what they saw in their head. But as they picked up that pen with intent to put glory on paper something somewhere became less representational. Thus a supposed "great leap forward" became the "greatest travel backwards", something died between the page and the pen.

The complexity of nurturing an idea from inception to its birth is one we will never fully come to appreciate. We get blinded by possibilities and fail to see the irony, like driving a prius right up to your private jet. It is almost as pathetic as a pandering politician that picks his pride from leading in the polls.
Corruption of the worst is at worst barely an event, but the compromise of an idealist is at best a global catastrophe. Between the page and the pen there have been many global catastrophes.

1 comment:

fred said...

i remember being told some time ago: "what affects you most is what you read". "between page and pen", literally- means of expression for intellectualls. symbolically- ...
all most all the time we don't question ideologies, how did they come about? tis about time we tried. question- who would go first?