Friday, November 5, 2010


I see the sand, an hour glass and a crippled sun. the persistence of the night has birthed a crippled son ... No vitamin D and no thrills of a fresh day, just darkness, only night and no one writes in fake light. I see the implosion of the meek, the explosion of the obstinate, the enthronement of a recluse and a rowdy church service. The stillness of the night is nicked away by lost praises, but the "praisers" have long lost the lonely link to whom they praised.

They said it was me. I said it was I, so the search for the primary culprit was reduced to a debate on semantics. We then wrangled in a "complex" battle of intellectual wits, with each side making no headway in seeking to establish exactly "what the queen would have said". With a completely extinguished sun and a strangely malnourished child, it was justified and right to ensure that what we did was right and we could only confirm the right by proving just who said it right. They said it was me. I said it was I, now the real issues and accusations have faded into the pitch black sky ... At least a major mystery that has tailed us for eternity will finally be put to rest: "How exactly would the queen have said it" will no longer be a pest.

The central question is no longer "who" but how to point "who" out. Political correctness and etiquette now holds center piece to major problems. "All must be heard in the great debate of me and I", but its pointless right now because the malnourished kid just died. "Never mind and dont be bothered about that random dead son, there will be plenty more to instigate the debate wherever that one came from. We also have the other trivial issue of a completely extinguished sun, we should address if the S should be written in capital whenever the former debate is done".


Anonymous said...

comical read, yet still very true

Max said...

This gave me quite the laugh when I actually should cry. We have fallen quite far off the wagon init. The real issues have now been "reduced to a debate on semantics" lol lol.Good one mate


fred said...

ok! thank you, 3 things: appreciated by "minds", reasonable read, carefull, 'cos u could incite ...

fred said...

oh! least i forget, maoist.