Monday, November 3, 2014

Promises to my ex and other "love" jingles

I used to love her: cheap wine and tacky buffet lunches, always been more of vodka person but those days were special. I specially interjected in more abstract ways than 3, so it barely got anymore awkward, what the hell was wrong with me. long lists and laughs, shunned lips and cats, I hardly can define my style of hats as helping attract. A total mismatch perhaps but who the hell really cares , what is most important is free food and actual dogs that look like snoop.

A shot of zaranof is fine, me bloody inconsiderate bastard; least I can do is show some class and order up some cheap whiskey. I cant be going for a walk at ten below zero, last time i pulled that stunt I had just broken up with potato. Now here is an especially disgusting pickle to pick on: I'm actually not that particular about pickles. That my allergies became apparent after I had hit is nothing but pure coincidence. So dont read too much meaning into me acting up cause I "truly" just discovered that I dont like your cooking.

While they are caught in the daze of this miracle love chant, I am stuck in my ways trying to figure these damn blanks. An afro, some braids then a cynical old man, My belly, a tingle then a "lyrical" love jingle.

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